We interdisciplinary coordinate all processes of your construction projects or renovations with an exact definition of all project tasks and interface monitoring.
The planning team members will be put together considering their experience with the hotel product, the country of the project location, their previous achievements and creativity. Economic parameters are weighted, too.
We also offer a complete project management in an international environment – with constant control of the project’s progress. We control all processes and monitor especially the compliance with dates and costs during the entire project duration.
The coordination between the different working methods of an international planning team is carried out on a personal basis in consideration of individual strengths which leads to an optimized planning result.
The set-up of a project-specific space and surface program adjusted to the specific objective, e.g., in consideration of individual criteria, brand, location and number of rooms. We define all requirements of functional and ancillary spaces and adjust them according to operational needs.
We refine the space and surface program based on the gross planning. Floor plans and views are created. Our planning is subject to the aspect of investment cost optimization and time frame. If necessary, we will also check the required brand standards and obtain approval for the brand.
The entire interior concept and lighting planning is worked out in cooperation with renowned interior architects and lighting specialists. The outcome will then be adjusted in several steps in coordination with the client and outlined into an integrated planning. Afterwards we take care of a required adjustment with the responsible persons of the franchisor or the hotel brand respectively taking economic or local parameters into account.
The restaurant concept determines the atmospheric character of the dining area and the selection of dishes. The kitchen planning follows the hotel’s or restaurant’s service and food offer taking into account the intended number of menus.
We constantly keep an eye on the project’s time schedule compensating possible deviations in a timely manner through appropriate measures. We regularly summarize the project’s status for the client, e.g., in a monthly reporting.
We evaluate the project’s risks for you and determine the influence on costs, deadlines and quality. We subsequently make an economic assessment and take appropriate measures to minimize the risks.
We evaluate possible contract partners for the execution of the project country-specifically and depending on capability and experience. The best of them will be invited to tender.
Based on the offers, we will then negotiate the contracts and completion deadlines with the most economic tenderers.
We control costs, deadlines and quality according to the hotel-specific requirements on the basis of our over 30 years hotel business experience.
We ensure you a high quality of execution and the prevention of problems. For instance, we prevent acoustic interferences by water or sound which can lastingly impede the hotel or restaurant operations.
During the entire course of the project, we constantly compare the actual costs with the planned budget and create up-to-date projections. We take immediate action in order to avoid supplementary payment demands (anti claim management).
We buy the essential operating assets from suitable suppliers worldwide depending on each requirements profile, from five-star level to economy class according to economic boundary conditions and options regarding later replacements purchases. At the same time we attach great importance to the planned renovation cycles.
In the course of a superior project management we also ensure the integration of design and lighting into the entire construction process.
We connect the interests of guest and business within a security concept. We implement corresponding instruments like video surveillance, entrance controls, security suits, security of driveways and delivery zones etc.
   Phase 2: Realization
In Phase 2 we coordinate all the project processes for you. We put together, manage and control all the service providers taking part in the planning and construction work, also on the international level. We provide accurate project scheduling and take care of completion to schedule. A continuous construction cost control accompanies the process.
Regular reporting provides an entirely transparent process for you and guarantees that all goals are met.
Two of our key competences are risk management and budget control. It is very important to us to recognize unplanned costs. We see our strengths in cost-conscious thinking and strong negotiation skills.